Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I attended my first spinning class last night and it ROCKED!!!! I can't wait to go back for more! I was a little worried at first when I started to sweat profusely after just 5 minutes of spinning. I told myself to quit being Nancy-boy and just do it. I made it through the entire hour of spinning! :)

We did all kinds of hill climbs and jumps and sprints. I only got one pretty noticeable cramp in my right calf, after dialing it down for a minute it worked itself out.

I was a little worried about my blood sugars since this was something new and pretty intense for my sedentary winter lifestyle but with a few adjustments I was fine.

The spinning classes are pretty popular around here so I got to the gym about 45 minutes early to sign up and claim my bike. Before getting to the gym I let my blood sugar float up to about 140 because trying to get out of a hole when your sugar is low and working out is very difficult. I sipped some G2 as I was getting ready for a few extra electrolytes.

I dropped the basal rate on my pump to about 75% and walked at a brisk pace for 20 minutes to get the blood flowing. Then I did some stretching and began warming up on the bike for another 10 minutes, then we started and I was ready to go! Like I said it was a little different getting started but it was a great work out! Especially when the weather sucks as much as it does here in NE Ohio. This is part of my "No Excuses" riding season. If there weather doesn't cooperate that's OK, I get to go Spinning!

I would recommend this workout to anyone and everyone, you can go as hard as you would like and there is some structure to adjusting resistance and stand up or sit down sprints. It feels easier when everyone is doing this instead of trying to time your own work outs and hold yourself accountable.

I have some things going on this evening but will be back at it on Wednesday for some more!

1 comment:

jpnairn said...

Sounds like fun, Mike. I went to a lot of spin classes last year.
Oddly enough, the one thing that kind of bugged me is that you really can go your own pace. So sweat can be pouring off of me, I might be struggling, but there might be a guy next to me not sweating any more than he would at home on the couch.
That doesn't happen when you're out in the real world.